A project we’re very proud of here in Crece Agency, and which we’re going to talk about in this article, is the elaboration of what we like to call “the vowel typography”. Continuing in the line of the graphic design, we’ve embarked on the creation of a new typography with symbols that replace letters, to foster the creativity and the innovation, and to endow some objects with personality and corporate identity with its use and writing.
This typography is vowel because its principal support are the vowels, and it’s from them that the rest of the alphabet letters are created. It’s an experimental font as simple as rational: it works like a Morse code, and it’s used for coding the messages so they’re not readable unless the person knows how the font works. If you’re reading this, today is your lucky day: you’re discovering how it’s created and you’ll be able to transcribe and code any message you want.
The basic elements of the typography, as we’ve already said, are the vowels: the “A” is represented with one square, the “E” with two, the “I” with three, the “O” with four and the “U” with five. From the combination of these (which are never the same two), all the consonants are created following the order of the alphabet in the following way: the combination of the “A” and the “E” gives us the “B”, the combination of the “A” and the “I” gives us the “C”, and so on. Once the combinations between the A and another vowel finish, it continues with the “E” and the rest of the vowels, and so on until the “Z”.
In the case of the more special types, like the Ç, the Ñ or the W, it works differently: these are elaborated from the repetition of already created types. So, the Ç is created from two C, the Ñ with two N and the W with two V.
As you may observe, the simplicity of the mechanism makes it easy to write words with this typography without thinking too much once known how it works. Although it’s not always good to write texts, it can be very useful in the elaboration of logotypes and graphic design projects which are wanted to have personality. And now, to discover if you’ve understood, we leave you some images to see if you can decode the word which is written on them.