Hi, readers! We know you love our blog and that the contents we post are very interesting… but, even so, it’s always good to have variety and increase information of other sources. Because of that, we’ve created a selection of 10 branding, marketing and design blogs that, in our opinion, are very interesting and we recommend. They are the following:
- Brand New. This blog is the Englishspeaking branding portal by excellence. Its articles are focused in branding and corporate identity design, analising new logos and some redesigns of brands that want a reposition, and they do very interesting studies.
- Brandemia. This blog mainly talks about subjects of corporate identity and branding, relating it with graphic design. It has very interesting articles talking about branding changes and curiosities of famous logotypes, among other things.
- Fubiz. This platform has a lot of different sections, like pop culture or technology, and also graphic design and photography. The most curious thing is that it makes a peculiar focus about graphic design, treating it like an artistic discipline instead of a business.
- Typewolf. This page hasn’t a specific blog format, but it’s a directory of typographies where to find that one which more fits to your needs. Besides, it’s also good as an inspiration and sometimes it publishes articles of varied themes.
- Designspiration. Organised with moodboards, this webpage collects a lot of pieces and artistic creations of all kinds, always related to graphic design, and it’s very useful as an inspiration and to get in touch with the new trends.
- Gràffica. It’s a magazine whose web is organised by separated categories (illustration, typography, branding…) which allow to read the last news about these subjects with periodic articles. It also talks about design prizes and gives advice about design.
- Logo Design Love. A very organised page and visually catching, its articles are about logotypes and visual and corporative identities. It does a very varied treatment, from logo history to perception studies, among others.
- It’s nice that. This page enters to the recomendation basically because its wide range. It talks about design as a general concept, including art, product, furniture, fashion and film design. It also talks about projects and events.
- Webdesigner Depot. This web started being dedicated to the web design, but it’s been expanding in other sectors, like the typography, the branding and the marketing, where it gives advice and informs about the latest news in visual and technology world.
- Smashing Magazine. This magazine, very complete, collects from one side information about design and edition programs, but on the other hand it also includes subjects about programmation. coding and web design, giving a wider and more specified formation.
- Cosas visuales. It’s found between the visual communication and graphic design blogs. It talks, as its name says, about design, always from the perspective of novelty, last trends and also about projects, events and visual world news.
And up to here our selection. With it, we’re sure you’ll become experts in design, branding and marketing online. We hope you like the design blogs of our TOP 10, and that if you know another one which deserves to be on the list and it’s not, don’t hesitate on telling us so we can share contents between all of us. Even so, pay attention to our blog so you don’t miss any novelty about our works and other interesting news.