Internet is extremely wide: there are plenty of tools, settings options, websites to visit… in Crece we love to reveal tricks and useful informations about social media, online marketing and the digital world in general. In today’s post, we’re gonna talk to you about 7 Google Chrome extensions which cannot be avoided in your Internet browser:


  1. Clipular. We start with this extension because we think it’s very useful. Basically, Clipular allows the users to capture the whole screen or just a part of it. Unlike the already known command “Print Screen” of the keyboard, Clipular gives the option of sharing these screenshots quickly and simply giving them a URL to each one you can copy and paste anywhere. Another option for this is Awesome Screenshot, which has more options than Clipular (like writing or editing the screenshot) but it’s more difficult to use.


  1. Woorank. In this case, the functionalities of Woorank are reserved to those fanatics of online marketing, those who really want a good SEO positioning in the search engines. It makes an exhaustive analysis and a valoration from 0 to 100 of any website, studying its use of keywords, alt attributes, webpages titles… Briefly, it allows you to know whether you’re helping your website to be one of the first in the list or not.


  1. ColorZilla. Graphic designers will be the first to install it. The majority of Google Chrome extensions is used to agilise processes you could already do, and CollorZilla replaces the Eyedropper tool in Photoshop, which many of you will know. This extension allows to know the exact colour of any image or background in a webpage, to save it and use it afterwards. If we had to resume it in two words, it would be a “chromatic directory”.


  1. Wappalyzer. A ideal extension for web programmers. It has a very simmilar function as Woorank with the SEO, but this one analyses the construction of the web itself. It gives information to the user about the type of typography used and other technical aspects of webpage organisation and templates. Unless you want to get inside the web creation world, it’s not very interesting.


  1. Fontface Ninja. We know most of us love to shop online, and we like to have catalogues of products we can buy with their price and localization. But… what about shopping typographies? Fontface Ninja collects the typographies of the visited webpages and gives you information about the name, style and price of each typography, giving also the link where to buy its rights of use.


  1. One Tab. Many times we’re consulting a lot of webpages and we end up opening 1000 tabs at the same time, we don’t distinguish among them. To never let this happen again, One Tab has as the main functionality to hide all the open tabs in one, to optimise the speed of the browser and allowing a quick navigation when having a lot of open pages.


  1. Evernote Web Clipper. Although it’s in the last position of this Google Chrome extensions list, it’s one of the most interesting. This extension saves online notes, articles and webpages we think are important to read later. Many times we see a web we’d like to consult, but then we turn off the computer and we forget, losing it for ever. With this, we can keep them for another moment and organise them in its web or smartphone app. We’re sure you will use it to save the articles in our blog.


We know most of you use Google Chrome because it’s one of the most used browsers in general. Because of that, we want your user experience to improve. We hope these Google Chrome extensions will help you in your daily life on the Internet, because they help us a lot.